HPC2N Symposium - Inauguration of Abisko

HPC2N Symposium – Inauguration of Abisko

ren_hpc2n.jpg Umeå University, May 31, 2012
Invitation and Program


High Performance Computing Center North cordially invites you to participate in the inauguration of Abisko, the new HPC2N supercomputer system. The morning program offers a tutorial and the afternoon program includes presentations by scientists using Abisko, state-of-the-art technical and R&D overviews and the formal inauguration of Abisko. The procurement of Abisko was made possible through a grant from the Swedish National Metacenter VR/SNIC and the support of Umeå University.

Link to registration: /resources/hardware/abisko/inauguration/form


Tutorial on the Abisko System Architecture and Its Efficient Use
Room N420 in Naturvetarhuset

09.00 Algorithm Design for NUMA Architectures and Energy Aware Computing
Asst. Professor Lars Karlsson, Dept. of Computing Science & HPC2N, Umeå University
09.45 Coffee and Tea
10.00 AMD Interlagos Processors – Tuning for Efficient Use: OS, Compilers and Libraries
Leif Nordlund, HPC & Cloud BD Executive, AMD EMEA
11.45 Lunch break – participants on their own

Symposium Program - Lecture Hall MA 121 in the MIT-building

13.15 CHAIR: Bo Kågström, Director of HPC2N
Welcome and Opening

Sample User Research Projects at HPC2N
Solvation of Ions and Organic Molecules in Water Droplets
Professor David van der Spoel, Dept. of Cell and Molecular Biology, Computational and Systems Biology, Uppsala University

Large Scale Simulations of Laser-Plasma Interactions
Professor Mattias Marklund, Dept. of Physics, Theoretical Physics, Umeå University

How Stellar Winds Interact with Planets
Assoc. Professor Mats Holmström, Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Kiruna

14.30 CHAIR: Åsa Rasmuson-Lestander, Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology
HPC2N Activities and R&D Collaborations

Algorithm and Library Software Design – The Challenge for Tera, Peta and Future Exascale Computing
Professor Bo Kågström, Director of HPC2N and Dept. of Computing Science, Umeå University

Autonomic Resource Management for Elastic Compute Clouds 
Professor Erik Elmroth, Dept. of Computing Science, Umeå University

UMIT Research Lab – Computational Science and Engineering focusing on Industrial Applications and Innovative Software
Professor Mats G. Larson, Dept. of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, Umeå University

eSSENCE – The e-Science Collaboration: SFO programme including Uppsala, Lund and Umeå
Professor Göran Sandberg, eSSENCE coordinator, Lund University

15.30 Coffe and Tea
16.00 CHAIR: Marianne Sommarin, Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Research, Chairman of the HPC2N Board

Abisko – The HPC2N Massively Parallel Computer System
Dr Mats Nylén, Senior consultant and SweGrid Coordinator/NGI manager

Vendor Views and Abisko Highlights
Representatives of South Pole AB and AMD EMEA

Inauguration of Abisko – A Strategic National Resource
Lena Gustafsson, Vice-Chancellor Umeå University
Jacko Koster, SNIC Director

Visit Abisko in the Computer Room guided by HPC2N Staff – Sparkling beverages will be served

17.30 Dinner Buffet at Universum
Updated: 2024-10-10, 12:39