HPC2N Open House with Kebnekaise Celebration

  • Posted on: 30 October 2017
  • By: admin

HPC2N Open House with Kebnekaise Celebration



Umeå University, November 30, 2017
Invitation and Program


Program | Registration | Abstracts [PDF] | Pictures | Kebnekaise in the Press

High Performance Computing Center North cordially invites you to participate in the celebration of Kebnekaise, the latest HPC2N supercomputer. The morning program offers a tutorial and the afternoon program includes invited presentations by scientists using Kebnekaise, a poster session, and the more formal celebration of Kebnekaise.

The procurement of Kebnekaise was made possible through a grant from the Swedish National Metacenter VR/SNIC and important support of Umeå University.

Presentation slideshow with pictures of Kebnekaise and its construction [PDF] [Video (youtube)]

Link to registration

(Download this program as pdf)

Tutorials on the Kebnekaise Architecture and Its Efficient Use

Room MC413 in MIT Huset

09:00 CHAIR: Dr Jerry Eriksson, HPC2N Advanced Consultant
Welcome and brief introduction to Kebnekaise

Accelerating scientific discovery with GPUs and Deep Learning
Leif Nordlund , HPC and Deep Learning BDM NVIDIA and Henrik Holst , Solution Architect NVIDIA

GPU acceleration is changing the HPC ecosystem. The world's top 15 HPC applications today are GPU accelerated. GPUs have enabled Deep Learning models to process very large amounts of data and train deep neural networks. These deep neural networks have in many cases vastly outperformed previous models for a wide range of applications. It is predicted that tomorrows HPC applications wi ll combine both simulation and Deep Learning models to further accelerate scientific discovery.

This tutorial presentation from NVIDIA will briefly cover:
- The latest Tesla Volta 100 hardware and the new Tensor Core technology
- OpenACC programming model to accelerate existing CPU codes with GPU offloading
- Overview of NVIDIA GPU Cloud and GPU optimized Deep Learning stacks
- The future of GPUs

10:00 Coffee and Tea
10:15 Accelerating scientific discovery with GPUs and Deep Learning , Part 2
Leif Nordlund and Henrik Holst
11:00 MSc Magnus Jonsson, HPC2N System Developer
How to request resources on Kebnekaise efficiently
11:45 Lunch break – participants on their own

Symposium and Kebnekaise Celebration - MIT Place in MIT Huset


CHAIR: Bo Kågström, Director of HPC2N
Welcome and Opening

Sample User Research Projects at HPC2N

Capturing Evolution with Computers
Prof. Lynn Kamerlin, Dept. of Cell and Molecular Biology, Uppsala University

Quantum Modelling of Electron Structure for Materials Properties
Prof. Andreas Larsson, Applied Physics, Dept. of Engineering Sciences and Mathematics , Luleå University of Technology

Understanding the Mechanism of Nerve Agent Antidotes
Prof. Anna Linusson, Dept. of Chemistry, Umeå University

How the Solar Wind interacts with the Moon, Mars, Comets, Ceres, Ganymede, Callisto and Exoplanets
Assoc. Prof. Mats Holmström, Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Kiruna

14:45 Posters – Coffe and Tea will be served

CHAIR: Prof. Mikael Elofsson, Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology
HPC2N Activities and R&D Collaborations

HPC2N at a glance and
NLAFET – Parallel Numerical Algebra for Future Extreme Scale Systems
Prof. Bo Kågström, Director of HPC2N and Dept. of Computing Science, Umeå University

Autonomous Management and Software Defined Infrastructures for Future Datacenters
Prof. Erik Elmroth, Dept. of Computing Science, Umeå University

UMIT Research Lab – Computational Science and Engineering focusing on Industrial Applications
Prof. Mats G. Larson, Dept. of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, Umeå University


CHAIR: Prof. Mikael Elofsson, Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology

Kebnekaise – A Heterogeneous Massively Parallel HPC System
MSc Björn Torkelsson, HPC2N Technical Coordinator

Vendor Views and Kebnekaise Highlights
Representatives of Lenovo, Intel, Nvidia and Mellanox

Kebnekaise Inauguration and Celebration
Prof. Hans Adolfsson, Vice-Chancellor Umeå University
Prof. Hans Karlsson, SNIC Director

Visit Kebnekaise in the Computer Room guided by HPC2N Staff – Sparkling beverages will be served

17:30 Dinner Buffet at Universum
Updated: 2024-10-10, 12:39