Since 1994, a series of conferences on Applied Parallel Computing, named PARA94, PARA95 and PARA96, have successfully been organized by the Danish Computing Centre for Research and Education (UNI-C) and the Department of Mathematical Modelling (IMM) in Lyngby, Denmark. The main themes of these conferences are summarized below:
- PARA94 Theme: Parallel Scientific Computing.
- PARA95 Theme: Physics, Chemistry and Engineering Science.
- PARA96 Theme: Industrial Problems and Optimization.
- PARA98 Theme: Large Scale Scientific and Industrial Problems.
- PARA00 Theme: New Paradigms for HPC in Industry and Academia.
- PARA02 Theme: Advanced Scientific Computing.
- PARA04 Theme: State-of-the-art in Scientific Computing
Full list of PARA conferences, including later ones, up until 2012:
- PARA94: Parallel Scientific Computing, Lyngby, Denamrk
- PARA95: Physics, Chemistry and Engineering Science, Lyngby, Denmark
- PARA96: Industrial Problems and Optimization, Lyngby, Denmark
- PARA 1998: Large Scale Scientific and Industrial Problems, Umeå Sweden
- PARA 2000: New Paradigms for HPC in Industry and Academia, Bergen, Norway
- PARA 2002: Advanced Scientific Computing, Helsinki, Finland
- PARA 2004: State-of-the-art in Scientific Computing, Copenhagen, Denmark
- PARA 2006: State-of-the-art in Scientific and Parallel Computing, Umeå, Sweden
- PARA 2008: State-of-the-art in Scientific and Parallel Computing, Trondheim, Norway
- PARA 2010: State-of-the-art in Scientific and Parallel Computing, Reykjavik, Iceland
- PARA 2012: State-of-the-Art in Scientific and Parallel Computing, Helsinki, Finland
Link to DBLP page with references to all PARA proceedings