Creating a Apptainer image
Creating a Apptainer image
NOTE, you need to be root to do this. Therefore you probably want to do this on your own machine.
Recipe for building a container
# Header Bootstrap: docker # container base from docker From: ubuntu:18.04 # which version of the base image
Best-practice for reproducibility is not to use latest but to always specify which OS version to be pulled
%help Help message to be shown to the user via apptainer help <image_name>
%labels meta-data such as Author, etc. which can be seen via: apptainer inspect <image>
%environment # creates Env. Var. within the container export MY_VAR=’MY_ENV_VAR’
%files # copy files into the container at build time / # copies to the root of cont.
%post # include commands that will be executed # once the container environment is set apt-get update apt-get install -y gcc %runscript # specifies a pre-defined workflow # that runs with apptainer run echo “This is the container’s workflow”
Example: how to install a simple image
In this example, the image we create contains OpenBLAS, based on the OS Linux Ubuntu 16.04.
Bootstrap: docker From: ubuntu:16.04 %post apt-get update apt-get install -y libopenblas-base
Save this definition file. In this example we call it "openblas.def".
The following is a command example, showing how you would build an image from the above file
apptainer build openblas.sif openblas.def
Example: create image from scratch
BootStrap: yum OSVersion: 7 MirrorURL:{OSVERSION}/%{OSVERSION}/os/$basearch/ Include: yum UpdateURL:{OSVERSION}/%{OSVERSION}/updates/$basearch/ %runscript echo "This is an echo that is executed when you run the container..." %post yum -y install vim-minimal # adding a number of rather useful packages yum -y install bash yum -y install environment-modules yum -y install which yum -y install less yum -y install sudo # binary has setuid flag, but it is not honored inside apptainer yum -y install wget yum -y install coreutils # provide yes yum -y install bzip2 # anaconda extract yum -y install tar # anaconda extract # bootstrap will terminate on first error, so be careful! test -d /etc/apptainer || mkdir /etc/apptainer touch /etc/apptainer/apptainer_bootstart.log echo '*** env ***' >> /etc/apptainer/apptainer_bootstart.log env >> /etc/apptainer/apptainer_bootstart.log # install anaconda python by download and execution of installer script # the test condition is so that subsequent apptainer bootstrap to expand the image don't re-install anaconda cd /opt [ -f ]] || wget [ -d /opt/anaconda3 ] || bash -p /opt/anaconda3 -b # -b = batch mode, accept license w/o user input
Example: OpenFOAM image with MPI
Remember that the container needs to have a compatible MPI version inside in order for the host to talk to it. This example is stripped down (mostly to reduce the length of this page) copy from Note: Building this image takes a long time.
Bootstrap: docker From: centos:7 %post mpi_vrs=4.0.5 OF_vrs=7 base=/opt/OpenFOAM yum groupinstall -y 'Development Tools' yum install -y wget git openssl-devel libuuid-devel wget${mpi_vrs}.tar.gz tar xf openmpi-${mpi_vrs}.tar.gz && rm -f openmpi-${mpi_vrs}.tar.gz cd openmpi-${mpi_vrs} ./configure --prefix=/opt/openmpi-${mpi_vrs} make all install clean export MPI_DIR=/opt/openmpi-${mpi_vrs} export MPI_BIN=$MPI_DIR/bin MPI_LIB=$MPI_DIR/lib MPI_INC=$MPI_DIR/include export PATH=$MPI_BIN:$PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$MPI_LIB:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH mkdir -p $base && cd $base wget -O -$OF_vrs | tar xz mv OpenFOAM-$OF_vrs-version-$OF_vrs OpenFOAM-$OF_vrs wget -O -$OF_vrs | tar xz mv ThirdParty-$OF_vrs-version-$OF_vrs ThirdParty-$OF_vrs cd OpenFOAM-$OF_vrs sed -i 's,FOAM_INST_DIR=$HOME\/$WM_PROJECT,FOAM_INST_DIR='"$base"',g' etc/bashrc sed -i 's/alias wmUnset/#alias wmUnset/' etc/ sed -i '77s/else/#else/' etc/ sed -i 's/unalias wmRefresh/#unalias wmRefresh/' etc/ . etc/bashrc ./Allwmake 2>&1 | tee log.Allwmake rm -rf platforms/$WM_OPTIONS/applications rm -rf platforms/$WM_OPTIONS/src cd $base/ThirdParty-$OF_vrs rm -rf build rm -rf gcc-* gmp-* mpfr-* binutils-* boost* ParaView-* qt-* strip $FOAM_APPBIN/* echo '. /opt/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-7/etc/bashrc' >> $SINGULARITY_ENVIRONMENT %environment export MPI_DIR=/opt/openmpi-4.0.5 export MPI_BIN=$MPI_DIR/bin export MPI_LIB=$MPI_DIR/lib export MPI_INC=$MPI_DIR/include export PATH=$MPI_BIN:$PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$MPI_LIB:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Useful links
You will find more information and examples for creating Apptainer images on the above links.
- Docker's library of container images
- Nvidia's NGC catalogue including an up-to-date plethora of HPC/AI/Visualization container images verified by Nvidia
- Nvidia's HPC Container Maker
- Open Containers Image Specifications
- Docker multi-stage build
- Official documentation on Apptainer and MPI applications