
Software Carpentry Workshop: R for Reproducible Scientific Analysis, 9-10 October 2018

  • Posted on: 4 September 2018
  • By: bbrydsoe

The workshop is given by Software Carpentry in cooperation with HPC2N.

The topics for this workshop will be:

  • Unix and git (2 half days)
  • Programming with R (half day)
  • R for Reproducible Scientific Analysis (half day)

Date: 9-10 October 2018

Time: 9:00 - 17:00 both days

Venue: N270

Deadline for registration is 4 October 2018.

PRACE Workshop: Programming and Optimizing the Intel Knights Landing Manycore Processor, 2018-04-24-25

  • Posted on: 8 February 2018
  • By: bbrydsoe

PRACE Workshop: Programming and Optimizing the Intel Knights Landing Manycore Processor

This two days workshop is arranged together with PRACE, and will have instructors from Intel. The course focuses on programming and optimizing the Intel Knights Landing Manycore Processor. It addresses the Intel® Xeon Phi™, codenamed “Knights Landing (KNL)” architecture and how to best use it efficiently.  

Course: Introduction to OpenMP and MPI, 26 March 2018

  • Posted on: 24 January 2018
  • By: bbrydsoe

The purpose of this course is to give a short overview of the most important aspects of OpenMP and MPI. The first half of the day will be focused on OpenMP and the second half of the day on MPI. There will also be a part on how to use profiling tools (VTune) to optimize your code.

If you are only interested in either OpenMP or MPI, it is possible to just attend the relevant part of the course.

Please bring your own laptop if you wish to participate in the hands-ons.

Lunch and coffee/tea will be provided.

Course: Computational Chemistry - Enhanced Sampling MD (NAMD)

  • Posted on: 15 January 2018
  • By: bbrydsoe

This one day MD course will look at enhanced sampling, with a focus on NAMD. During the afternoon there will be a hands-on where you get the opportunity to run a NAMD job at HPC2N. 

Topics: Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Enhanced Sampling (Metadynamics and Accelerated Molecular Dynamics), NAMD at HPC2N.

Participation is free. Bring your laptop for the hands-on!

Lunch and afternoon coffee will be provided.

Time and date: 26 February, 2018. 10:00 - 16:30

Course: the Effective Use of the Kebnekaise Accelerators, 12 December 2017

  • Posted on: 24 November 2017
  • By: bbrydsoe

Course: the Effective Use of the Kebnekaise Accelerators

This one day course is an introduction to using the Kebnekaise accelerators. We will look at GPU-enabled applications, as well as OpenMP, and OpenACC.

There will be a hands-on, so bring your laptop.

Participation is free and open to all existing and prospective users of HPC from Swedish institutions. Lunch and afternoon coffee will be provided.

Location: MA378

Time and date: 2017-12-12, 10:00-16:30

HPC2N Open House with Kebnekaise Celebration, November 30, 2017

  • Posted on: 3 November 2017
  • By: admin

HPC2N Open House with Kebnekaise Celebration

High Performance Computing Center North cordially invites you to participate in the celebration of Kebnekaise, the latest HPC2N supercomputer system. The morning program offers a tutorial and the afternoon program includes presentations by scientists using Kebnekaise, a poster session, and the more formal celebration of Kebnekaise.

The procurement of Kebnekaise was made possible through a grant from both the Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing (SNIC) and Umeå University.


Updated: 2024-10-10, 12:39