Call SNIC Large Autumn 2014 Deadline October 22 2014

  • Posted on: 29 April 2016
  • By: admin

This call concerns proposals for large allocations of computing time that are effective 1 January 2015.

The Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing (SNIC) is a research infrastructure that provides resources for large scale computation to meet the needs of researchers from all scientific disciplines and from all Swedish universities, research institutes, etc. The computing resources are made available through open application procedures such that the best Swedish research is supported.The resources are hosted by data centers at Chalmers, KTH, LiU, LU, UmU and UU.

The Swedish National Allocations Committee (SNAC) issues calls for proposals for large computing time allocations every 6 months. This call concerns proposals for large allocations effective from 1 January 2015.

The deadline for proposal submission is 22 October 2014 at 3 PM. At that time, all access to the on-line application system will be closed. Incomplete or late proposals will be discarded.

How to apply:

We encourage you to start entering information about your proposal well before the deadline just in case you run into difficulties.

We kindly request that you carefully read the detailed instructions available.

Please note that the publications list is requested as a separate file, not as a part of the PI´s CV.

The application procedure for access to HPC resources allows for coordinated review of proposals and optimized use of the available resources. Note that allocations can be requested on one or more resources in a single application.

The proposals that are submitted within the deadline will be reviewed by SNAC with the help of external experts. The proposals will be evaluated from both a scientific and a technical perspective.

Please also note:

Restrictions: Beskow is dedicated to large scale, wide jobs (i.e., massively parallel jobs); typical job size should normally be in the thousands of cores. Beskow is the new HPC system at KTH that replaces Lindgren and is expected to be in full operation January 2015.

SNIC explicitly requests the acknowledgement of SNIC in scientific publications that required the use of SNIC resources, services or expertise. Papers, presentations and other publications that feature work that relied on SNIC should include an acknowledgement. For more information here.

Fri, 2014-10-03 07:36 | Björn Torkelsson

Updated: 2024-10-10, 12:39